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Reflecting the Light - It All Comes Down to Proximity

Light Witness Devotion

Contributed By: Marcelle Smith | Date Posted: 2023-12-19

Scripture: John 1:8 ; Matthew 5:14

Author: Marcelle Smith

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Wouldn't I Be More Generous Than That?

Generosity Giving Good Works

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2023-11-15

Scripture: Proverbs 11:24 ; 2 Corinthians 9:7

Author: Illustration Exchange

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Pay It Forward In Big and Small Ways

Kindness Love (Uncondtional) Good Works

Contributed By: Bruce Gelly | Date Posted: 2023-04-26

Scripture: Matthew 7:12 ; Hebrews 10:24

Author: Bruce Gelly

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Blind To The Raging Fires

Complacency Revival End Times

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2023-03-27

Scripture: Romans 13:11

Author: Illustration Exchange

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Masterpieces NOT of Stone

Glorify God Good Works Purpose

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2022-08-19

Scripture: Ephesians 2:10

Author: Illustration Exchange

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A Passion for Barney

Passion Influence Evangelism

Contributed By: Rob Tucker | Date Posted: 2018-02-20

Scripture: John 1:45 ; John 4:29

Author: Rob Tucker

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Be Still To Hear

Meditation Hearing God's Voice Distractions

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2018-01-05

Scripture: Psalms 46:10

Author: James Hamilton

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Feeding on the Word of God

Bible Devotion Spiritual Growth

Contributed By: Jane Drew | Date Posted: 2017-10-28

Scripture: Deuteronomy 8:3 ; Ezekiel 3:3

Author: Jane Drew

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Always A Reason To Be Thankful

Thankfulness Hearing God's Voice Humor

Contributed By: Kory Ferree | Date Posted: 2017-07-31

Scripture: Romans 8:28 ; Matthew 13:22

Author: Kory Ferree

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Eating Daily

Devotion Word of God Spiritual Health

Contributed By: Thomas Bevers | Date Posted: 2017-04-12

Scripture: John 6:58 ; Acts 2:46

Author: Thomas Bevers

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