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The Limits Of Science

Science Apologetics Worldview

Contributed By: Mitchell Dillon | Date Posted: 2012-06-22

Author: Mitchell Dillon

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Forget Jesus?

Science Love (Divine) Witness

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2012-03-12

Scripture: John 13:35 ; 1 John 3:14

Author: Illustration Exchange

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Nuclear Winter of the Soul

Science Spiritual Blindness War

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2012-03-12

Scripture: Jeremiah 4:22 ; Romans 1:22

Author: Gen. Omar Bradley

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Ancient Fish Story

Faith Science Apologetics

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2012-02-02

Scripture: John 20:29

Author: Irving Wallace

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Decode Your Genome for $1000

Gospel Self-examination Science

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2012-01-12

Scripture: Romans 6:23

Author: Illustration Exchange

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Virgin Birth Miracles Science

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2011-12-07

Scripture: Isaiah 7:114 ; Luke 1:35

Author: Illustration Exchange

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What Came First, DNA or Proteins?

Intelligent Design Apologetics Science

Contributed By: Seth Dillon | Date Posted: 2011-04-13

Scripture: Romans 1:20

Author: Seth Dillon

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A Category Mistake in Atheism

Atheism Science Apologetics

Contributed By: Tom Halloran | Date Posted: 2011-03-25

Author: John Lennox

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When Science is Silent

Science Bible Creation/Creationism

Contributed By: Seth Dillon | Date Posted: 2010-09-03

Scripture: Psalms 119:43

Author: Seth Dillon

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The Disappearing Church

Compromise (Convictions) Doctrine-Sound Secularism

Contributed By: Luke Raczykowski | Date Posted: 2022-07-26

Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:16 ; Galatians 1:10

Author: Luke Raczykowski

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