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The Richness of Scripture

Bible Abiding Gratitude

Source: Missoula Cakes

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Contributed By: Marcelle Smith | Date Posted: 2023-09-02

Scripture: Colossians 3:16 ; Proverbs 34:8

Author: Marcelle Smith


If dessert makes you feel bad afterwards, someone did something wrong - and it wasn’t you. That is to say, rich desserts do not have to be heavy.

According to Chef Jeremy of, we can have all the yums without the gut bomb often associated with desserts. He says the trick is two-fold: layers and contrast. He claims that the full yum experience means having multiple layers with different textures. 

As an example, he uses the scene from Willy Wonka where Violet is chewing the magical gum which transforms from turkey to stuffing and all the sides, then blueberry pie.

When a layered cake is done right, we can experience all of the richnes of the contrasting flavor distinctions, without the need for more fat and sugar.


Scripture is like a well crafted cake, rich and full of layers and textures — everything from biblical history, the Law, and prophecy, to poetry and proverbs, filled beginning to end with moral and eccelsiastical instruction, all layered with measures of personal, communal, and even global admonition and instruction. 

Some might find that all a bit "heavy" to consume. Yet the Word of God is crafted so perfectly that it fills our lives with richness, with fullness, without any of the bloat. It is meant to be savored, consumed, and digested.

To that end, Paul admonishes us to embrace the whole of scripture, with all it's richness and many textures, so that it might have its fullest impact on our lives. We can experience all of its intended nourishment without feeling heavy. And like a delectible dessert shared among friends after a lavish meal, we can delight in it with grattitude and praise.

"Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts" (Colossians 3:16, NLT).

"Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!" (Psalm 34:8, NIV).


Loving the Source

Bible Intimacy with God Love (Divine)

Source: Life Experiences

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Contributed By: Michael McIntosh | Date Posted: 2023-05-13

Scripture: Psalms 119:16 ; John 14:21

Author: Michael McIntosh


Recently a young man called to ask me if I could remember a certain sermon I had preached. More specifically he wanted to use an illustration about church history that I had used. It had been years since I preached at his church and I was amazed he had remembered the sermon and the illustration. I knew where the story had come from and began digging through some old books to find it. 

I found the book I was looking for that had been stacked away. I had not opened it in 20 years. I opened the old yellowing pages and began flipping through the marked up pages like I had just been reunited with some old friend.

There was a marker in the book. It was an old envelope now faded. My heart jumped when I noticed the handwriting. Could it be? Yes it was! A letter from my grandmother when I was in college. The date was still there on the post mark. I couldn't wait to read the letter.


Emotion gripped me as I carefully removed the stationary from the envelope. What a treasure! My dear little grandmother who had loved me and believed in me. What did she have to say to me?  The note was so encouraging then, but even more so now.

I love that note. Why? Because I love the sender.

So how is it that we get to the point that we love the scriptures? Simple really. Fall in love with the sender, the source. When we realize the scriptures are a love note to us and we consider the source, and love God more, we develop a pure love for the text. 

"Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long" (Psalm 119:97, NIV).

"I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word" (Psalm 119:16).

'Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them" (John 14:21, NIV). 

"Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O Lord, God of hosts" (Jeremiah 15:16, ESV).

Stop Everything and Listen

Word of God Bible Advice

Source: TV Commercial

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Contributed By: Stephen Kingsley | Date Posted: 2022-05-20

Scripture: Romans 10:17 ; Hebrews 4:12

Author: Stephen Kingsley


A 1970s TV Commercial features a couple of men in a busy restaurant. At the surrounding tables, people are noisily chattering away and two waiters are putting food on the table. The men are talking about finding good stocks and one says, "My broker is E.F. Hutton and Hutton says ..." In that instant, everything stops and everyone leans in to hear what might be said. Silent seconds pass. Then a narrator says, When EF Hutton speaks, people listen." 


There is more noise and distractions in the world than ever before; more voices; more options; more to do and to say; and more that demands our attention. Nevertheless, God speaks. We need only to want to heed his voice and do His will.

A good stock tip might swell your bank account but the Word of God will fill your heart and guarantee you treasure in heaven.

"But the LORD is in His holy temple. Let all the earth keep silence before Him." (Habbukuk 2:20)

Man may be executed for failing Bible quiz.

Bible Discipleship Word of God

Contributed By: Howard Harden | Date Posted: 2020-03-08

Scripture: Joshua 1:8

Author: Howard Harden

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The Mine That Keeps Giving

Word of God Bible Wisdom

Contributed By: GENE LAVALLEY | Date Posted: 2019-05-23

Scripture: Proverbs 25:2 ; Psalms 12:6

Author: James Rogers

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Why Cheaters Think It's Ok To Cheat

Authority Honesty Bible

Contributed By: Neal Pollard | Date Posted: 2019-04-18

Scripture: James 3:1 ; Matthew 5:13

Author: Neal Pollard

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Devotional Crumbs

Word of God Bible Faith

Contributed By: Joe Ballard | Date Posted: 2018-07-19

Scripture: Matthew 15:26 ; Job 23:12

Author: Joe Ballard

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Misusing the Bible

Bible Word of God Obedience

Contributed By: Neal Pollard | Date Posted: 2018-04-15

Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16 ; 2 Timothy 2:15

Author: Neal Pollard

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Asking The Best Questions

Seeker Wisdom Bible

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2017-12-13

Scripture: Matthew 7:7

Author: Illustration Exchange

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Feeding on the Word of God

Bible Devotion Spiritual Growth

Contributed By: Jane Drew | Date Posted: 2017-10-28

Scripture: Deuteronomy 8:3 ; Ezekiel 3:3

Author: Jane Drew

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