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Pound for Pound

Human Worth Jesus' Sacrifice God's Image

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2012-06-05

Scripture: Psalms 8:4 ; Ephesians 5:2

Author: Illustration Exchange

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People Aren't Baseballs

God's Image Rejection Loyalty

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2012-06-04

Scripture: Romans 12:10

Author: Illustration Exchange

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We Reflect His Image

God's Image Christlikeness Discipleship

Contributed By: Fred Gates | Date Posted: 2012-04-23

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 3:18 ; Galations 4:3

Author: Fred Gates

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Life Is Valuable

Life (Sanctity) God's Image Human Worth

Contributed By: David Grinder | Date Posted: 2012-04-20

Scripture: Genesis 20:13

Author: David Grinder

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Ayatollas of Grace

Grace God's Image Witness

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2012-03-04

Scripture: Romans 8:29

Author: Illustration Exchange

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Were We Worth It?

God's Image God's Will Jesus' Death

Contributed By: Janet Malone | Date Posted: 2012-02-07

Scripture: 1 Samuel 20:24

Author: Janet Malone

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God' s Signature

Apologetics God's Image Cultural Trends

Contributed By: Jay Smith | Date Posted: 2011-10-17

Scripture: Psalms 19:1 ; Psalm 19:82

Author: Jay Smith

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He Knows My Name

God's Image Honor God's Care

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2011-09-23

Scripture: Isaiah 43:1 ; Isaiah 43:7

Author: Illustration Exchange

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Substitue Sacreds

Idolatry Humanism God's Image

Contributed By: Fred Gates | Date Posted: 2011-08-02

Scripture: Exodus 20:2

Author: Fred Gates

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No Ordinary Man

Arrogance God's Image Pride

Contributed By: Barnett Gushin | Date Posted: 2011-07-20

Scripture: Romans 12:3

Author: Philip Yancey

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