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The Bomb That Was Too Big

Adultery Sexual Promiscuity Consequences

Source: "The Monster Bomb That Was Too Big To Use," BBC, August 16, 2017

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Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2017-11-06

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:18 ; Psalms 51:4

Author: Illustration Exchange


The BBC reports,

On the morning of 30 October 1961, a Soviet Tu-95 bomber took off from ... the far north of Russia.

... World War Two had placed the US and USSR in the same camp, but the post-war period had seen relations chill and then freeze. And the Soviets, presented with a rivalry against the world’s only nuclear superpower, had only one option – to catch up. Fast.

... The Tsar Bomba was no ordinary nuclear bomb. It was the result of a feverish attempt by the USSR’s scientists to create the most powerful nuclear weapon yet, spurred on by Premier Nikita Khruschchev’s desire to make the world tremble at the might of Soviet technology. It was more than a metal monstrosity too big to fit inside even the largest aircraft – it was a city destroyer, a weapon of last resort.

... [The] Tsar Bomba unleashed almost unbelievable energy – now widely agreed to be in the order of 57 megatons, or 57 million tons of TNT. That is more than 1,500 times that of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs combined, and 10 times more powerful than all the munitions expended during World War Two. Sensors registered the bomb’s blast wave orbiting the Earth not once, not twice, but three times .... Some scientists began to believe it was too big ...  If the bomb was as powerful as intended, the aircraft would have been on a one-way mission.

The power of the bomb persuaded nuclear physicist Andrei Sakharov to renounce nuclear weapons 


A bomb too big to fit into a plane and too powerful for a flight crew to get out of its range of destruction is just too big, too powerful! 

Likewise, there are some sins that are so destructive that we dare not commit them for fear that we will not be able to escape what we’ve unleashed.

On the top of that list is the sin of adultery!  The power of this destructive force is so great that it should lead us all to denounce it!

Not even a king is protected from the destructive forces of sexual promiscuity.  Remember, it was the great sin with Bathsheba that undermined the house of David. 

"Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body" (1 Corinthians 6:18). 

"Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight; so you are right in your verdict and justified when you judge" (Psalm 51:4). 

Woman Blames Background Check Site For Uncovering Her Infidelity

Responsibility Adultery Excuses


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Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2017-02-16

Scripture: Proverbs 6:32

Author: Illustration Exchange


Conservative Daily Post reports:

Mary from Dallas Texas filed a lawsuit against background check site on June 16, 2016 in state court.  In her lawsuit she alleges provided “confidential” information about her to her at the time husband.  Her husband divorced her based off this information and she wants to pay.

No where in the lawsuit does it dispute if the information is accurate or not.  Nor that she was having an affair on her husband with multiple men.

Conservative Daily Post spoke to Mary’s ex-husband Frank to figure out more about this strange situation.  Frank had suspected his wife of cheating for a long time.  She would constantly be gone for hours without answering her phone and never seemed to have an honest answer why she was gone.

...Frank had finally had enough and decided to start doing some research online. He found a background check site that can give you all sorts of information about someone.  To use all you need to do is type in a name and state and the system goes to work.  Pulling together every possible piece of information on them. not only pulls from public records but many different social and dating websites around the internet.  It can give you a full picture of someone’s online activity almost instantly.  This is how Frank caught his wife Marry.

... “When I searched her name it came right up, she had accounts matching her name and email on, and many others.” Frank said. “I just couldn’t believe this was the woman that I married.”


Getting caught isn’t what ruins a person’s life, immorality is what ruins a person’s life.

"But a man who commits adultery has no sense; whoever does so destroys himself" (Proverbs 6:32). 

Can A Man Walk On Hot Coals ....

Adultery Purity Sexuality

Source: preacherpollard's Blog

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Contributed By: Neal Pollard | Date Posted: 2016-07-19

Scripture: Proverbs 6:28

Author: Neal Pollard


Perhaps you heard about the 30 “followers of motivational speaker Tony Robbins” who “were burned while walking on hot coals” in Dallas, Texas ( Mr. Robbins should have heeded Solomon, who wrote, “Or can a man walk on hot coals and his feet not be scorched?” (Proverbs 6:28).


This statement comes as part of Solomon’s warning about “the evil woman” and the “adulteress” (cf. 6:24).  He warns about her alluring beauty and ways (25), showing the consequences that one may miss when driven by lust rather than law: one is reduced (26), destroyed (32), wounded and disgraced (33), reproached (33), and repaid with revenge (34).

One of Solomon’s two metaphors to depict adultery’s repercussions is feet being burned by walking on hot coals (the other is taking fire in his bosom and his clothes being burned).

Countless men and women have been deceived by the seemingly harmless effects of allowing attraction for someone other than their mate to grow in their hearts and minds. One may let admiration and attraction for this other person to take root in their hearts. Defenses are lowered and lines begin to be crossed. The thrill and excitement of the prospective relationship can come to eclipse rational thoughts about the negative consequences, and the fallout in the lives of all the people affected.

When David gazed at Bathsheba from his rooftop, he saw a beautiful, naked woman rather than murder, death, humiliation, dysfunction, loss of influence, and agonizing heartbreak. His unlawful desire for her prevented him from seeing past what he wanted in the moment.

God’s laws are immutable. One cannot flout them without the fruit that follows. So many who have crossed that line have desperately wished they could go back to the other side of that firebed and taken the righteous path. May each of us have the wisdom to see that pursuing a person who is not your lawful mate is like playing with fire! Don’t get burned.

Hackers Make Sure Adulterers' Sins Will Be Found Out

Adultery Repentance God's Judgment

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2015-07-23

Scripture: Psalms 103:11 ; Hebrews 10:17

Author: Illustration Exchange

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Forgive Me, For I Have Fallen

Sin Adultery Humor

Contributed By: Larry Reagan | Date Posted: 2014-09-03

Author: Unknown

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Snake on Fire!

Adultery Sexual Promiscuity Sin

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2013-06-19

Scripture: Matthew 5:29

Author: Illustration Exchange

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Repackaging Infidelity

Adultery Marriage Justification (Self)

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2013-01-21

Scripture: Proverbs 6:32

Author: Illustration Exchange

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In Stores Now - The 'Anti-Cheating' Ring

Adultery Marriage Cultural Trends

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2012-07-05

Scripture: Hebrews 13:4

Author: Illustration Exchange

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Fourth Wife Flies Free!

Marriage Men's Concerns Adultery

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2012-05-01

Scripture: Hebrews 13:4 ; Genesis 2:24

Author: Illustration Exchange

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No Room For Abuse In Marriage

Divorce Abuse Adultery

Contributed By: Fred Gates | Date Posted: 2011-11-20

Scripture: Ephesians 5:24

Author: Gary Richmond

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