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When Good News Isn't Really Good

Pride Authenticity Self-righteousness

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2011-08-06

Scripture: Matthew 7:22

Author: Illustration Exchange

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US Stripped of AAA Credit Rating

Debt Cross Forgiveness

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2011-08-06

Scripture: Matthew 23:27 ; Colossians 2:14

Author: Illustration Exchange

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God's Work

Servanthood Devotion Generosity

Contributed By: Leroy Larson | Date Posted: 2011-09-02

Scripture: Matthew 20:28

Author: Albert Schweitzer

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The Ungolden Rule

Oppression Love (Divine) Law (of God)

Contributed By: Leroy Larson | Date Posted: 2011-09-22

Scripture: Matthew 7:12

Author: Booker T. Washington

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A Soul Unscratched

Martyrdom Peace Faithfulness

Contributed By: Barnett Gushin | Date Posted: 2011-10-21

Scripture: Matthew 10:28

Author: Augustine

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Bad For Busyness

Rest Priorities Ambition

Contributed By: Mitchell Dillon | Date Posted: 2012-06-30

Scripture: Matthew 11:28

Author: Chuck Swindol

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Costly Contacts

Love for God Shepherding Worldly Mindset

Contributed By: Larry Lewis | Date Posted: 2011-12-26

Scripture: Matthew 18:12 ; John 21:15

Author: unknown

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Another Word For Oops

Faith God's Care Wisdom

Contributed By: Mitchell Dillon | Date Posted: 2011-12-26

Scripture: Matthew 7:26

Author: Oscar Wilde

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Uncertain Riches

Wealth Worldliness Devotion

Contributed By: Francis Balla | Date Posted: 2011-08-25

Scripture: Matthew 6:19

Author: francis Balla

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Jesus, A Friend of Sinners

Jesus' Love Friendship Gratitude

Contributed By: David Cranford | Date Posted: 2011-08-30

Scripture: Matthew 11:19

Author: David Cranford

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