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Right Street, Wrong House

Guidance Followership Destiny

Contributed By: Jonathan Mussett | Date Posted: 2024-12-27

Scripture: Proverbs 3:5 ; Jeremiah 17:9

Author: Jonathan Mussett


There are moments in life where you can be close to where God calls you and still miss out on what he has for you. 

Years ago, someone on our team got an invitation to a birthday party. When the day arrived, he typed in the address to GPS and arrived at the location. When he got to the house, he walked in and greeted a couple of people. Then he served himself some appetizers and got himself a drink. When he stepped to the backyard where the party was happening, he didn’t see the family that invited him. In fact, he didn’t recognize anyone.

Puzzled, he walked back out to the car to check the invitation, and though he was on the right street, he suddenly realized that he was at the wrong house.

Embarrassed, he walked three doors down and made it to party.

When asked about how he arrived at the wrong house, he said, “I saw the balloons on the mailbox and thought I was at the right place.”


We live in a culture that says, "Follow your own truth; follow your own understanding." The problem is: Our hearts are decietful above all else. (Jeremiah 17:9-10)

Don't trust your feelings or your own understanding: trust God's truth.

God knows the way because He's the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6).

When we apply the wisdom of God's word found in Proverbs 3:5-6, God will pave the way in front of us.

Don't trust the Lord's GPS "to a point," and then, in arrogance, pride, or presumption just give up on His navigation, leaning on your own sense of direction. 

Here's my challenge: Follow God's directions all the way, because God's divine direction will get you to God's destiny.

Trust he knows how to lead you.

Trusting the Tour Guide

Holy Spirit (Walking In) Trust (In God) Guidance

Contributed By: Brett Levy | Date Posted: 2024-08-15

Scripture: Psalms 46:10

Author: Brett Levy


My wife an I took a vacation to Boston. We love to travel when we can and we tend to try to see everything a person can possibly see. On our first day in Boston we walked the Freedom Trail. We could have taken a 2 hour tour (with a tour guide!), but we wanted to see it all. We wanted to do it our way. We took the better part of the morning and afternoon seeing it all. I'm not sure how far we walked, but it was miles.  Near the end of the Freedom Trail you find the Bunker Hill monument.  It's 294 steps up the 221 foot tall monument. That's about 22 stories after walking all day. You also have to come down the steps. 

*Stair number 200 in the climb to the top of the Bunker Hill Monument.

Once we got outside, my legs were so weak that I was wobbly.  I had to stop and gather myself, but it was only about 4pm and we had the USS Constitution, the Boston Public Library, and Cheers to see that day.  So we kept going.  In the middle of the evening tour of the Boston Library, I realized that I couldn't walk down any of the steps.  I was holding onto rails and "floating down."  It was the same trying to go down the stairs to the subway. I was beginning to wonder if I was going to be injured for the rest of our trip!


Many of us are striving to accomplish so many things in life. We want money, power, relationships, things for our family. We strive after it all and never slow down.  I didn't want to use a tour guide because I wanted it all. To be fair, the tour guides do a shorter version, and might have left out some of the more subtle or less prominent details.

And just like our hesitance to avail ourselves of the expertise and expedience of the tour guide, we often tend to assume (wrongly) that God, as well, may give us the "less than ideal tour." Afterall, we tend to "want it all" and not necessarily want what is "best."

Psalm 46:10 says "be still" or "cease striving" and "know that I AM God."

Once you stop long enough to know God, you begin to understand that following the Holy Spirit is better than striving after all the things you think you need, and you discover what you are truly created for.

Missed It By 'That' Much

Compromise (Convictions) God's Will Guidance

Source: "How to Read Degrees on a Compass" By Ben Beers, published on, April 25, 2017

Link to Source: Click here to view source

Contributed By: Victor Stewart | Date Posted: 2024-03-13

Scripture: Psalms 119:1 ; Proverbs 3:6

Author: Victor Stewart


Different directional compasses bear different markings. Some compasses are marked off to display a full 360 degrees, and some are marked in gradations of 20 degrees. Some also display a "declination." The declination is a means of showing the difference between magnetic north and true north. 

Have you ever been on a cruise ship out in the middle of the ocean and wondered how in the world the captain and crew knew which way to go? We know they use, among many navigational tools, a compass, but how does it work?

If you've ever looked at a compass, you know that there are hundreds of little hash marks — 360 to be exact — that mark off each separate degree of direction.

When a captain sets course, they know exactly to which little degree mark they need to set the compass. As long as they stay on that course, they will reach their destination.

But what would happen if someone moved the compass one little tiny degree to the left? At first it would look like you were still going in the same direction, on course for your destination. But in reality, as the vessel proceeded en route, the ship would be moving ever so slightly 1° away from the original course.

Before you know it, that ship would be miles away from its planned destination, all because it was one little tiny degree off course.


It is the same way in our spiritual experience ...

We set the course for our life, our day, our relationships, our work experience, etc., with the intention of focusing on Jesus, but we are fighting an enemy who wants to get us off course.

Of course our enemy — ol' Beezlebub — knows we won't likely make a 180° turn away from God, or even a 45° move away from Him. But if he can get us to compromise just one little degree, all he need do is just be patient. 

While we think we are right on course, slowly but surely, we drift, until one day we wake up and wonder how in the world we got so far from the Lord's will for our lives.

We are wise to keep checking the compass. Keep charting our course in alignment with His will and His word.

Psalms 119:1-8 (MSG):
1 You're blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God.
2 You're blessed when you follow his directions, doing your best to find him.
3 That's right - you don't go off on your own; you walk straight along the road he set.
4 You, God, prescribed the right way to live; now you expect us to live it.
5 Oh, that my steps might be steady, keeping to the course you set;
6 Then I'd never have any regrets in comparing my life with your counsel.
7 I thank you for speaking straight from your heart; I learn the pattern of your righteous ways.
8 I'm going to do what you tell me to do; don't ever walk off and leave me.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths" (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Backseat Driver

Guidance Submission Trust (In God)

Contributed By: Roy Hyde | Date Posted: 2024-01-16

Scripture: Psalms 32:8

Author: Roy Hyde

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Eyes In the Darkness

Spiritual Blindness Guidance Friendship

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2023-07-27

Scripture: Isaiah 48:17 ; Proverbs 3:6

Author: "Weird Things In The Word" Facebook Collective

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Getting Ahead of God

Guidance Patience Submission

Contributed By: James Augustine | Date Posted: 2020-05-10

Scripture: Psalms 139:24 ; Psalms 5:8

Author: James Augustine

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Good Fear

Fear Wisdom Guidance

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2016-02-01

Scripture: Proverbs 1:7

Author: Illustration Exchange

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Americans Can't Live Without Their Phones

Word of God Dependence on God Guidance

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2015-04-30

Scripture: Various

Author: Pew Research Organization / Illustration Exchange

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Guidance Quotes

Guidance Counseling Wisdom

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2015-04-17

Scripture: Various

Author: Various

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Google Maps Is My Shepherd

Guidance Faith God's Care

Contributed By: Mitchell Dillon | Date Posted: 2015-03-20

Scripture: Psalms 23:1 ; John 10:14

Author: Mitchell Dillon

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