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Desserts and a Cleanse

Cleansing Worship Freedom

Contributed By: Sam Shin | Date Posted: 2014-09-13

Scripture: Isaiah 44:22

Author: Sam Shin

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"Laughter Really Is The Best Medicine"

Joy Health Perspective

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2014-08-02

Author: Illustration Exchange

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Blind No More

Spiritual Blindness Perspective Humor

Contributed By: Randall Langford | Date Posted: 2014-08-02

Scripture: Eph 1:18

Author: Randall Langford

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Your Two Greatests Moments

Worship Devotion Die To Self

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2014-07-17

Scripture: Deuteronomy 6:5 ; Philippians 2:13

Author: Pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell

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10,000 People Disappointed In You

God's Love Approval (Seeking) Dependence on God

Contributed By: Mitchell Dillon | Date Posted: 2014-07-17

Scripture: 1 John 4:16

Author: Mitchell Dillon

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A Life Changing Way to Cut Grapes

Glorify God Worship Motivation

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2014-07-14

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:31 ; 1 Peter 4:11

Author: Illustration Exchange

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Subtle Killer

Lukewarm Apathy Indifference

Contributed By: Ron Henson | Date Posted: 2014-07-10

Scripture: Revelation 3:16

Author: Ron Henson

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The Spiritual Illusion of Reverspective

Perspective God's Presence Object Lessons

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2014-07-08

Scripture: James 4:8 ; Psalms 42:3

Author: Illustration Exchange

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The Apology Note Generator

Apology Sincerity Reconciliation

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2014-06-01

Scripture: Psalms 51:16

Author: Illustration Exchange

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Apology Helps Cut the Cost of Medical Lawsuit Liability

Apology Justification (Positional) Sincerity

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2014-06-01

Scripture: 1 John 1:8 ; Proverbs 28:13

Author: Rachel Zimmerman / Illustration Exchange

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