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Two Kinds of People

God's Will Salvation Submission

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2012-03-31

Author: C. S. Lewis

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Keep It Simple, Stupid

Wisdom God's Will Humility

Contributed By: Barnett Gushin | Date Posted: 2012-03-31

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:18

Author: Homiletics Staff

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Choosing God's Will

God's Will Obedience Suffering

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2012-03-31

Scripture: Hebrews 10:36

Author: Oswald Chambers

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A Recipe For "Rat"-Atouille

God's Will Trust (In God) God's Faithfulness

Contributed By: Mitchell Dillon | Date Posted: 2012-03-31

Author: Mitchell Dillon

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Expect the Unexpected

Dreams Fulfillment God's Will

Contributed By: | Date Posted: 2012-03-31

Scripture: Psalms 37:4

Author: Faith Dillon

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Living Without Distractions

Humor God's Will Contentment

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2012-03-31

Author: Philip Yancey

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Efficient Obedience

Obedience God's Will Reward

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2012-03-31

Author: Thomas Merton

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How Does Good Judgment Come?

Mistakes Spiritual Growth God's Will

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2012-03-31

Author: Barry LePatner

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Be the Butcher

Goal Setting God's Will Self-examination

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2012-03-31

Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11

Author: Mitchell Dillon

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Broaden Your Field of Vision

Wisdom Spiritual Blindness Teachability

Contributed By: Fred Gates | Date Posted: 2012-03-21

Scripture: Ephesians 5:15

Author: Fred Gates

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