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You Must Be Born Again, AGAIN

Salvation Second Chances Science

Source: "I already gave birth to my son — but will birth him again in 11 weeks" by Asia Grace, NY Post, 5/17/22, retrieved 5/20/22

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Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2022-05-31

Scripture: John 3:1 ; John 3:6

Author: Illustration Exchange


Twenty-three year old Jaiden Ashlea gave birth to her son, Levi James, last week, only to have him tucked safely back into her womb to be born again in approximately eleven weeks. 

You see, it was discovered through an in utero exam that Levi suffered from a life threatening, congenital condition known as spina bifida — a rare condition in which the spine is fatally malformed. So doctors removed tiny Levi from his mama’s womb to perform life saving and life altering surgery to reconstruct his spine. But Levi needs the safety and protection of the womb  to continue healing from his operation and to continue growing to full term, so doctors deposited him back inside his mama’s uterus and stitched her up pending his full term delivery once he reaches at least 37 weeks gestation. 

Each year, out of roughly 1500 babies diagnosed with spina bifida, only a handful of mothers and babies around the world are deemed approved for this kind of surgery.

The NY Post reports, “Ashlea originally shared her story in a viral TikTok video captioned: “Birthing my baby for him to be put back in and 11 weeks later be born again,” which now boasts over 2 million views.

“I’m excited for him to realize how many people were rooting for him, and how loved and special he is,” said Ashlea. “Not everyone gets the chance to have this surgery. And I want him to know that God was on his side.”

Little Levi is already showing signs of improved brain activity. And though he'll need physical therapy once born, he's expected to live a healthy, normal life.



As Jesus sat explaining salvation to Nicodemus, the Lord said to him, “Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”  

The Pharisee paused to ponder his comments, and incredulously questioned, “How can someone be born when they are old? Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born [again]!”

Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit” (John 3:3-6, NIV).

It turns out that someone CAN go back into their mother’s womb to be born a second time. But as radical and lifesaving as this surgery might be, one still needs to be born AGAIN if they are ever to truly live, not just via the waters of the womb, but by the power and regeneration of the Holy Spirit!

No surgery, no matter how rare or how skilled can impart eternal life. Only God can do that; only God can fix what really ails us.

Yet thankfully, this life-giving regeneration of our souls isn’t only offered to a select few deemed approved to receive it. It is offered to all for the asking.

As for little Levi, God is indeed on his side! And He’s on YOUR side, as well.  

Won’t you ask God to heal your heart and make you born again?

A Second Chance Isn't Always A Great Thing

Second Chances Justice Forgiveness

Source: News Story

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Contributed By: Thomas Bevers | Date Posted: 2018-09-14

Scripture: Matthew 18:21 ; Jonah 2:1

Author: Thomas Bevers


Shayna Hubers thought she was getting a new shot at life when a judge overturned her conviction of murder and ordered a new trial after it was discovered that one of the jurors was a convicted felon, something Kentucky law doesn't allow. She had been convicted of murdering her boyfriend but claimed she shoot him 6 times in self-defense. The conviction came with a 40-year sentence.

At the second trial, she took the stand in her own defense, something she had not done the first time. However, there was video of her alone in an interrogation room dancing around and saying, "I did it, I did it." After deliberating only 5 hours, a jury of her peers found her guilty, again. Unfortunately, the recommendation from the jury was not 40 years, but LIFE!

She probably wishes this was a second chance she had never received. 


What good is a second chance at justice if you're guilty? But isn't it good to know that God's idea of a second chance involves the complete forgiveness of our sins?

"Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, 'Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?' Jesus answered, 'I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times'" (Matthew 21:21-22). 

What Happens When A Homeless Person Is Given $100,000?

Wisdom Riches Second Chances

Source: “THAT TIME SOMEONE GAVE A HOMELESS PERSON $100,000 JUST TO SEE WHAT WOULD HAPPEN,” by Karl Smallwood ,October 18, 2016

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Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2017-05-01

Scripture: Proverbs 3:13

Author: Illustration Exchange


Karl Smallwood with Today I Found It, reports:

In 2005 a homeless man called Ted Rodrigue stumbled upon a briefcase filled with crisp $20 and $50 bills totaling $100,000 (about $123,000 today). Ted was then told by screenwriter Wayne Powers that the money was his to keep and do with as he wished, so long as he would allow a film crew to document the result. Rodrigue, understandably, jumped at the opportunity, leading to a somewhat controversial documentary- Reversal of Fortune.

According to an interview with Powers, the genesis of the documentary stemmed from his time in LA where he was frequently asked for money by the homeless, prompting him to ponder, “What would a homeless person do if I gave them a million dollars?” Powers was curious if such a substantial amount of money could change a person’s life for the better or if it’d simply make it worse. He took this idea to an executive …  executives loved the idea, but weren’t exactly thrilled at the idea of paying out a million dollars, eventually talking Powers down to $100,000.

... With funding in hand, all Powers needed was a homeless person to give the money to. According to him, he picked Ted after filming several conversations with him and coming to the conclusion that Ted was a man who’d been dealt a bad hand and deserved a break for once.

Mostly homeless for about two decades when filming began, the then 45-year-old Rodrigue survived by collecting cans and bottles. On an average day, he noted he could make about $20 or so doing this- enough to buy himself food, alcohol, and cigarettes. On a good day, he could sometimes earn as much as $35.

... the filmmakers didn’t interfere with Ted’s life or his spending in anyway, merely observing and documenting his day-to-day life. They did, however, give Ted access to a financial advisor whose advice he was free to solicit or ignore as he chose.

So what was the result?

Soon after finding the money, news of Ted’s wealth spread to his associates in the homeless community who came to him asking for help. Being a generally nice guy, Ted kindly obliged, paying off many of his “friends” debts and providing for them financially. Around this time, Ted also met a woman who magically became attracted to him the moment she found out he’d acquired $100,000.

... About a year later, Ted appeared on Oprah in an episode entitled “Are You Ready for a Windfall?” 

... It was on this episode that Ted sheepishly revealed that he’d spent or given away all $100,000 within 6-8 months of receiving it, and that he was, once again, homeless.

Powers concluded:

So to answer the question of what happens when you give a more or less drug-free, reasonably psychologically sound homeless person $100,000… pretty much the exact same thing that often happens when you suddenly give a non-homeless person a relative fortune compared to what they’re used to- as with many big ticket lotto winners, they often end up worse off or in the same state as before they got the cash, perhaps with a little depression added in for good measure, something of a Flowers for Algernon effect.


This cautionary tale teaches that if you’re a fool with little, you’ll be an even bigger fool with much.  The lesson being that the greatest disadvantage isn’t being financially poor but being poor in wisdom. Wisdom is life’s greatest treasure.

“Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gets understanding.  For it is better than getting silver and fine gold.  She is worth more than stones of great worth. Nothing you can wish for compares with her.  Long life is in her right hand. Riches and honor are in her left hand.  Her ways are pleasing, and all her paths are peace.  She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her. Happy are all who hold her near” (Proverbs 3:13-18, NLT). 

Restoring the Church of God

Restoration Church/Body of Christ End Times

Contributed By: Marcelle Smith | Date Posted: 2024-05-28

Scripture: Ephesians 4:16 ; Colossians 3:14

Author: Marcelle Smith / Illustration Exchange

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I Shouldn't Be Alive

Salvation Spiritual Death Redemption

Contributed By: Chris Huff | Date Posted: 2023-12-05

Scripture: Ephesians 2:1 ; Ephesians 2:5

Author: Chris Huff

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You Can't Outrun God In An Excavator

Restoration Accountability Grace

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2022-08-26

Scripture: Psalms 119:32 ; Psalms 139:7

Author: Illustration Exchange

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Every Item Restored

Restoration Redemption End Times

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2022-07-03

Scripture: Isaiah 65:17 ; Revelation 21:5

Author: Illustration Exchange

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The Devil's Work

Racism Guilt Redemption

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2020-06-06

Scripture: Galatians 3:28 ; Romans 2:11

Author: Mitchell Dillon

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Jesus Saves

Jesus, Savior Redemption Jesus' Sacrifice

Contributed By: Charles Krieg | Date Posted: 2020-02-01

Scripture: Acts 16:31 ; John 3:16

Author: Charles Krieg

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Garage Sale Redemption

Redemption Sanctification Salvation

Contributed By: William Blosch | Date Posted: 2018-12-29

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:20 ; Romans 6:23

Author: William Blosch

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