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Transformation Conversion Sanctification
Contributed By: Stephen Kingsley | Date Posted: 2013-02-01
Scripture: Romans 12:2 ; Ephesians 5:2
Election God's Will Doctrine-Sound
Contributed By: Mitchell Dillon | Date Posted: 2013-01-31
Scripture: John 3:16
Kingdom of God Decision Making Gospel
Contributed By: Travis Morin | Date Posted: 2013-01-31
Scripture: Philippians 3:20
Thankfulness Circumstances Optimism
Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2013-01-31
Scripture: Colossians 1:2 ; Colossians 1:3
Thankfulness Contentment Greed
Scripture: Philippians 4:13
Children Cultural Trends Grace
Scripture: Psalms 139:13
Joy Praise Testimony
Contributed By: Rod Crowell | Date Posted: 2013-01-31
Scripture: Philippians 4:4
Evangelism Circumstances Object Lessons
Contributed By: Aaron Batdorf | Date Posted: 2013-01-31
Scripture: Philippians 1:12
Object Lessons Children's Lesson Miracles
Contributed By: Barnett Gushin | Date Posted: 2013-01-31
Scripture: John 2:11 ; John 20:30
Sin Nature Judging Guilt
Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2013-01-30
Scripture: Psalms 51:5