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The Delphic Oracle

Word of God Warnings Prophecy

Contributed By: Charles Krieg | Date Posted: 2018-09-17

Scripture: Psalms 18:30 ; 2 Corinthians 4:2

Author: Charles Krieg

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The Mine That Keeps Giving

Word of God Bible Wisdom

Contributed By: GENE LAVALLEY | Date Posted: 2019-05-23

Scripture: Proverbs 25:2 ; Psalms 12:6

Author: James Rogers

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Strong Hands Soothe Fear

Fear Fatherhood Confidence

Contributed By: Ben Kurz | Date Posted: 2019-11-25

Scripture: Psalms 23:4 ; Isaiah 41:10

Author: Ben Kurz

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Getting Ahead of God

Guidance Patience Submission

Contributed By: James Augustine | Date Posted: 2020-05-10

Scripture: Psalms 139:24 ; Psalms 5:8

Author: James Augustine

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Suffering Makes Us Glow

Suffering Sanctification Testimony

Contributed By: Shane Waldron | Date Posted: 2020-09-13

Scripture: Psalms 34:5 ; Romans 8:28

Author: Shane Waldron

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We Cannot Control Our Enemy

Preparation Enemies

Contributed By: Thomas Bevers | Date Posted: 2020-10-22

Scripture: Ephesians 6:10 ; Psalms 23:4

Author: Homer Adams

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Made to Attend Church

Church Health/Growth Parenting Discipline (Corrective)

Contributed By: Mark Fuller | Date Posted: 2021-11-14

Scripture: Hebrews 10:25 ; Psalms 84:10

Author: Mark Fuller

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How Do I Love Thee?

Love (Human) Love for God Love (Uncondtional)

Contributed By: Neal Pollard | Date Posted: 2022-02-23

Scripture: Psalms 92:

Author: Neal Pollard

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Pro-life Spider-Man Scales Buildings to Save Babies

Abortion Image of God Social Issues

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2022-06-02

Scripture: Exodus 21:23 ; Psalms 139:13

Author: Illustration Exchange

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You Can't Outrun God In An Excavator

Restoration Accountability Grace

Contributed By: Illustration Exchange | Date Posted: 2022-08-26

Scripture: Psalms 119:32 ; Psalms 139:7

Author: Illustration Exchange

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